We’re only just into the weaning journey with Lottie, and I’m already realising how messy my floor and table are now going to be for many years to come! Your dining table will see a lot of wear and tear throughout its life. It’s up there with the beds and sofas in terms of regular usage, so you need to find one that can withstand the rigours of daily life. Pick the wrong table and you’ll spend most of your time cleaning stains or preventing them from being damaged.  Who wants to deal with that?! No one – which is why I’ve picked some of the best dining tables for quick cleaning, exemplary durability and low maintenance: 

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You’ll struggle to go wrong with nice marble dining table and chair sets. From a home decor perspective, this is one of the most aesthetically pleasing options you’ll find. The natural allure of marble makes it look unique and adds a splash of class to your dining area. 

But what about cleaning this table and keeping it in the best condition possible?

Marble needs sealing to protect it from liquids and germs, though this is a simple task that only needs to be done once a year. Aside from that, any spillages or stains can be wiped clean from the table using a damp cloth. It’s also an exceptionally heat-resistant material, so there’s no fear of hot pans accidentally burning the table. The durability of marble is fantastic, meaning it rarely gets scratched or chipped so the maintenance is virtually non-existent. 


Metal tables are rare to find as not many people opt for them. If you’re after an industrial chic vibe in your home, then this is a brilliant material to consider. It’s also far more affordable than the other options on this list, making it a fine choice for anyone shopping on a budget. 

I also think you’ll have lots of success finding thrifty vintage metal tables too; they were more popular a few years ago and there’s usually always a great bargain out there waiting to be claimed. 

How does a metal table stand up against spillages and maintenance? 

Well, metal is non-porous so doesn’t require sealing and won’t stain. It’s water-resistant in most cases too, meaning any spillages simply stay on the surface and get wiped away. You’ve got a table that’s unlikely to discolour with time and should be robust enough to handle regular dining. 

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Looking for a contemporary dining table design? Glass could be the perfect material for you as it transforms your dining area into a modern interior masterpiece. There’s a classiness to glass tables that makes them perfect in modern homes and they’re not overly expensive either. 

Is it easy to clean a glass table and are they difficult to maintain? 

Yes to the first question and no to the second one. Glass is obviously stain-resistant and super easy for you to clean. The only thing to keep in mind is that you use a proper glass cleaner when spraying the table and wiping away spills. Otherwise, you end up with streaks in the glass that look a little unsightly. 

Glass tables tend to be made from tempered glass so they’re very durable and stand up well against heat. You should be slightly cautious when placing things on a glass table – if you’re too aggressive, there’s a slim chance that cracks or chips can occur. Most high-quality glass tables are made for heavy usage, so this shouldn’t be a serious problem. 


You can get tables made from ceramic stone blends that look utterly stunning. The beauty of ceramic tables lies in their versatility. You see awesome colour combinations and styles thanks to the stone patterns. It’s a big option to think about if you want your dining table to be a statement piece of furniture

Will you have trouble cleaning and looking after a ceramic table? 

No, not really. It has similar properties to marble tables and can be cleaned with a damp cloth and a touch of soap. Ceramic is also very resistant to the following: scratches, heat and stains. That’s the holy trinity of things when you’re looking to buy a dining table! One final thing to note is that ceramic is resistant to UV rays as well, meaning it’s fine to use in dining rooms that get a lot of direct sunlight! 

All in all, you’ve got four excellent options for a stylish dining table that’s easy to clean and maintain. A lot of people opt for a classic wooden or laminate table because that’s all they’ve ever known. Most of the time, these materials are the hardest to clean and look after. Pick one of the ones above to reduce maintenance and have a gorgeous table that looks newer for longer. 

Much Love Natasha x

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