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Handmade tags with scraps!

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here (how many times have I said that before?) with the growth of my crystal store, I’ve had no time to do anything online. However, I somehow managed to set up an…

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All, Crafts

Mothers Day Mini Album

Mothers day is literally around the corner, even though I swear it seemed like it was miles away just a few days ago. I have decided this year to ditch standard cards and create memory keepsakes instead. I created this…

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All, Crafts

Mini album cover

Todays post is short but sweet! I just wanted to do a little share of my cover for my summer mini. I did quite a large order from Craftelier before my holiday last week, so was so excited to get…

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All, Crafts

My first Mini Album!

Happy New year! I’ve had a really busy start to the year and I go away in a few days to Disneyland Paris for my birthday- yay! However I’ve made sure I’ve made time for some scrap time. I’ve been…

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All, Crafts

December daily : part 2

My December daily has actually been not-so-december-daily, but I knew it would be like this, I knew it would be more of a Christmas season summery, however I didn’t plan on not really starting it until around the middle of…

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All, Crafts

Project Life – December Daily 2018

Every year I scroll through Instagram admiring all of the December daily layouts on my feed, wishing that I could have done one. If you have no idea what December daily is, it’s basically scrapbooking your way through December for…

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Ice cream for breakfast

If you didn’t know, I live in Hull, and I bloody love my city. I find it really sad to hear other people calling Hull the worst place in the country, and I find it even worse to hear people…

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